
Thursday May 10, 2018
Chapter 1: “We Have No Hope”
Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
Amber Bailey is the youngest and newest city council member in North College Hill, Ohio. She needs help in dealing with the other council members--people who belong to a group called “Change*nch,” which seized control of the council almost a decade ago after chasing out the longtime mayor. What do they want? Why are they preparing to tear down half of city hall? And what does it look like when a small city tries to “drain the swamp?”
“Tear It Down” is written and produced by Michael Karlik of City Council Chronicles (councilchronicles.com). This story is sponsored by www.rhymingregards.com.
Website: www.tearitdownpodcast.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/tearitdownpod
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tearitdownpod

Thursday May 10, 2018
Chapter 2: The Salary
Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
Daniel Brooks was the longtime mayor of North College Hill. But during his last years in office, he made a series of poor decisions that plunged the city into chaos. When the mayor decided to combine the salary of his city administrator with that of the administrator's wife, it prompted a lawsuit and a multi-year assault on city employees.
“Tear It Down” is written and produced by Michael Karlik of City Council Chronicles (councilchronicles.com). This story is sponsored by www.rhymingregards.com.
Website: www.tearitdownpodcast.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/tearitdownpod
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tearitdownpod

Thursday May 10, 2018
Chapter 3: Bullies
Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
Amy Bancroft became mayor and began taking heat from Change*nch for not firing the city administrator. When she stood her ground, cyberbullies spread negativity and threats on the community Facebook group. Did she do the right thing?
“Tear It Down” is written and produced by Michael Karlik of City Council Chronicles (councilchronicles.com). This story is sponsored by www.rhymingregards.com.
Website: www.tearitdownpodcast.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/tearitdownpod
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tearitdownpod

Thursday May 10, 2018
Chapter 4: The Puppet Master
Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
Nick Link is the co-founder of Change*nch who was once drawn into a shouting match with the city administrator. He pushes back against the suggestion that Change is the “party of no” and believes the group has ideas--good ideas--that the voters seem to like.
“Tear It Down” is written and produced by Michael Karlik of City Council Chronicles (councilchronicles.com). This story is sponsored by www.rhymingregards.com.
Website: www.tearitdownpodcast.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/tearitdownpod
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tearitdownpod

Thursday May 10, 2018
Chapter 5: “Secretary” to “CEO”
Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
When the new mayor attempts to hire a city administrator, the council blocks it, saying they have a major problem with the decision. There are accusations of discrimination and hostage-taking that lead to a 10-day stalemate. When the council finally gives in, not everyone is happy.
“Tear It Down” is written and produced by Michael Karlik of City Council Chronicles (councilchronicles.com). This story is sponsored by www.rhymingregards.com.
Website: www.tearitdownpodcast.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/tearitdownpod
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tearitdownpod

Thursday May 10, 2018
Chapter 6: “The Center of It All”
Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
The City Center was Dan Brooks’s vision since his school days. When the city and its incapable building manager let a roof leak get worse and worse, eventually the council had to make a choice: keep the building and its recreational programs running? Or tear it down?
“Tear It Down” is written and produced by Michael Karlik of City Council Chronicles (councilchronicles.com). This story is sponsored by www.rhymingregards.com.
Website: www.tearitdownpodcast.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/tearitdownpod
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tearitdownpod

Thursday May 10, 2018
Chapter 7: Paradoxes
Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
People believe one thing, then act differently. Several contradictions exist in the North College Hill government over transparency, spousal involvement, and legislating. How does this affect the city?
“Tear It Down” is written and produced by Michael Karlik of City Council Chronicles (councilchronicles.com). This story is sponsored by www.rhymingregards.com.
Website: www.tearitdownpodcast.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/tearitdownpod
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tearitdownpod

Thursday May 10, 2018
Chapter 8: The Game Changer
Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
New year, new council. Something is different about North College Hill in 2018. Could this be the year everything turns around? There are four possible reasons for why things appear better inside the City Center.
“Tear It Down” is written and produced by Michael Karlik of City Council Chronicles (councilchronicles.com). This story is sponsored by www.rhymingregards.com.
Website: www.tearitdownpodcast.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/tearitdownpod
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tearitdownpod